Content Catalog - Enterprise catalog asset management & Collaborative unstructured data management

At, our mission is to provide a comprehensive platform for managing content, data assets, data asset metadata, digital tags, lineage, and permissions. We believe that effective management of these elements is essential for businesses to succeed in today's digital landscape. Our goal is to empower our users with the tools and knowledge they need to streamline their content management processes, increase efficiency, and ultimately drive growth. We are committed to delivering a user-friendly, intuitive platform that meets the evolving needs of our customers, and we strive to provide exceptional customer support every step of the way.


Managing content, data assets, data asset metadata, digital tags, lineage, and permissions can be a daunting task. However, with the right tools and knowledge, it can be a breeze. This cheat sheet is designed to provide you with all the necessary information to get started with managing content, data assets, data asset metadata, digital tags, lineage, and permissions.

Content Management

Content management is the process of organizing, storing, and retrieving digital content. It involves creating, editing, publishing, and archiving content. Here are some key concepts related to content management:

  1. Content Types: Content can be classified into different types such as text, images, videos, audio, and documents.

  2. Content Creation: Content can be created using various tools such as content management systems, word processors, and graphic design software.

  3. Content Editing: Content can be edited using various tools such as text editors, image editors, and video editors.

  4. Content Publishing: Content can be published on various platforms such as websites, social media, and mobile apps.

  5. Content Archiving: Content can be archived for future reference or reuse.

Data Asset Management

Data asset management is the process of organizing, storing, and retrieving data assets. It involves creating, editing, publishing, and archiving data assets. Here are some key concepts related to data asset management:

  1. Data Asset Types: Data assets can be classified into different types such as structured data, unstructured data, and semi-structured data.

  2. Data Asset Creation: Data assets can be created using various tools such as data management systems, spreadsheets, and databases.

  3. Data Asset Editing: Data assets can be edited using various tools such as data management systems, spreadsheets, and databases.

  4. Data Asset Publishing: Data assets can be published on various platforms such as data portals, data warehouses, and data lakes.

  5. Data Asset Archiving: Data assets can be archived for future reference or reuse.

Data Asset Metadata

Data asset metadata is the information that describes data assets. It includes information such as the data asset name, description, format, size, and location. Here are some key concepts related to data asset metadata:

  1. Metadata Types: Metadata can be classified into different types such as descriptive metadata, structural metadata, and administrative metadata.

  2. Metadata Creation: Metadata can be created manually or automatically using various tools such as metadata management systems and data profiling tools.

  3. Metadata Editing: Metadata can be edited using various tools such as metadata management systems and data profiling tools.

  4. Metadata Publishing: Metadata can be published on various platforms such as data portals, data warehouses, and data lakes.

  5. Metadata Archiving: Metadata can be archived for future reference or reuse.

Digital Tags

Digital tags are snippets of code that are added to web pages or digital assets to provide additional information about the content. They are used for tracking, analytics, and personalization. Here are some key concepts related to digital tags:

  1. Tag Types: Tags can be classified into different types such as tracking tags, analytics tags, and personalization tags.

  2. Tag Creation: Tags can be created manually or automatically using various tools such as tag management systems and analytics platforms.

  3. Tag Editing: Tags can be edited using various tools such as tag management systems and analytics platforms.

  4. Tag Publishing: Tags can be published on various platforms such as websites, mobile apps, and social media.

  5. Tag Archiving: Tags can be archived for future reference or reuse.


Lineage is the process of tracing the origin and history of data assets. It involves identifying the source of data, the transformations applied to it, and the destination of the data. Here are some key concepts related to lineage:

  1. Lineage Types: Lineage can be classified into different types such as data lineage, process lineage, and application lineage.

  2. Lineage Creation: Lineage can be created manually or automatically using various tools such as data lineage tools and process modeling tools.

  3. Lineage Editing: Lineage can be edited using various tools such as data lineage tools and process modeling tools.

  4. Lineage Publishing: Lineage can be published on various platforms such as data lineage tools and process modeling tools.

  5. Lineage Archiving: Lineage can be archived for future reference or reuse.


Permissions are the rules that govern access to content and data assets. They are used to control who can view, edit, and publish content and data assets. Here are some key concepts related to permissions:

  1. Permission Types: Permissions can be classified into different types such as read permissions, write permissions, and execute permissions.

  2. Permission Creation: Permissions can be created manually or automatically using various tools such as access control systems and identity management systems.

  3. Permission Editing: Permissions can be edited using various tools such as access control systems and identity management systems.

  4. Permission Publishing: Permissions can be published on various platforms such as access control systems and identity management systems.

  5. Permission Archiving: Permissions can be archived for future reference or reuse.


Managing content, data assets, data asset metadata, digital tags, lineage, and permissions can be a complex task. However, with the right tools and knowledge, it can be simplified. This cheat sheet provides you with all the necessary information to get started with managing content, data assets, data asset metadata, digital tags, lineage, and permissions. Use it as a reference guide to help you navigate through the complexities of managing digital assets.

Common Terms, Definitions and Jargon

1. Content: Any information or material that is created and shared online.
2. Data assets: Any digital asset that has value to an organization, such as customer data, financial data, or intellectual property.
3. Metadata: Information about a data asset, such as its format, size, author, and creation date.
4. Digital tags: Labels or keywords that are used to categorize and organize content.
5. Lineage: The history of a data asset, including its origin, transformations, and usage.
6. Permissions: The access rights that determine who can view, edit, or delete a data asset.
7. Content management system (CMS): A software application that is used to create, manage, and publish digital content.
8. Digital asset management (DAM): A system that is used to store, organize, and retrieve digital assets.
9. Taxonomy: A hierarchical system of categories and subcategories that is used to classify content.
10. Ontology: A formal representation of the relationships between concepts and categories.
11. Controlled vocabulary: A list of standardized terms that is used to describe content.
12. Folksonomy: A user-generated system of tags and categories that is used to classify content.
13. Content strategy: A plan for creating, managing, and distributing content.
14. Content marketing: The practice of using content to attract and engage an audience.
15. Content audit: A review of existing content to identify gaps, redundancies, and opportunities for improvement.
16. Content calendar: A schedule of planned content releases.
17. Content optimization: The process of improving content to increase its visibility and effectiveness.
18. Content distribution: The process of sharing content across multiple channels and platforms.
19. Content analytics: The measurement and analysis of content performance.
20. Content curation: The process of selecting and organizing content from multiple sources.

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